Adding a Gravitational Dynamics Code

In the previous tutorial we have seen how to create an AMUSE interface to a C++ or a Fortran code from scratch. In this tutorial, we will expand on this with a number of additional features. We will do this through the implementation of a simple gravitational dynamics code.

As this tutorial deals only with features of the Python interface, we restrict our legacy code example to C++. The concepts described can just as easily be applied to an interface to a Fortran code.

We will also assume that we are working with the same environment settings as in the previous example. Thus, we can create the initial directory structure of our new code ‘SimpleGrav’ with the following terminal command:

> amusifier --type=c --mode=dir SimpleGrav

The Legacy Code

For this example we will use a very simple forward Eulerian integration routine as our legacy code. We simply have a function that takes the initial condition of a set of particles (in the form of seven dynamic arrays), an integer containing the number of particles, and double precision scalars containing the time step, smoothing length, and gravitational constant. It outputs the new particle positions and velocities by updating the input arrays.

#include <math.h>

// Compute a single Eulerian gravity step
int gravity_step (double *mass, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *vx, double *vy, double *vz, int N, double dt, double eps_sq, double G) {

    double *new_x = new double[N];
    double *new_y = new double[N];
    double *new_z = new double[N];

    double *new_vx = new double[N];
    double *new_vy = new double[N];
    double *new_vz = new double[N];

    double ax, ay, az;
    double dR, dx, dy, dz;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        ax = 0.;
        ay = 0.;
        az = 0.;

        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            if (i != j) {
                dx = x[j] - x[i];
                dy = y[j] - y[i];
                dz = z[j] - z[i];

                dR = sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz + eps_sq );

                ax += G*mass[j]*dx/pow(dR, 3);
                ay += G*mass[j]*dy/pow(dR, 3);
                az += G*mass[j]*dz/pow(dR, 3);

        new_x[i] = x[i] + vx[i]*dt;
        new_y[i] = y[i] + vy[i]*dt;
        new_z[i] = z[i] + vz[i]*dt;

        new_vx[i] = vx[i] + ax*dt;
        new_vy[i] = vy[i] + ay*dt;
        new_vz[i] = vz[i] + az*dt;

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        x[i] = new_x[i];
        y[i] = new_y[i];
        z[i] = new_z[i];

        vx[i] = new_vx[i];
        vy[i] = new_vy[i];
        vz[i] = new_vz[i];

    delete new_x;
    delete new_y;
    delete new_z;
    delete new_vx;
    delete new_vy;
    delete new_vz;

    return 0;


Just like in the previous tutorial, the example algorithm is by no means particularly good. In fact, forward Eulerian integration might be the worst method of integrating gravitational systems due to the tendency of the energy to diverge. Again, we use it as a readable example.

Simply put this script in the src directory as, and again change the Makefile line:

CODEOBJS = test.o


CODEOBJS = test.o code.o

Interface Templates

In order to promote uniformity among interfaces, and to make it easier to create an interface, a number of types of codes have interface templates. These classes have a number of functions common to that type of code already defined. They can be found in the folder src/amuse/community/interface of the main AMUSE github repository.

Gravitational dynamics is one type of code having a template interface, defined in We can use this template by inheriting from it:

from import GravitationalDynamics
from import GravitationalDynamicsInterface

class SimpleGravInterface(CodeInterface, GravitationalDynamicsInterface):

class SimpleGrav(GravitationalDynamics):

The legacy interface now contains all legacy functions defined in This includes adding and deleting particles, getting and setting particle properties (mass, position, velocity, acceleration, and radius), getting and setting parameters (smoothing length and begin time), and a host of other functions. Our definition of the SimpleGravInterface is then simply:

class SimpleGravInterface(CodeInterface, GravitationalDynamicsInterface):

    include_headers = ['worker_code.h']

    def __init__ (self, **keyword_arguments):

Note that when compiling an interface inheriting from GravitationalDynamicsInterface, all legacy functions defined there (and in its parent class, CommonCodeInterface) must be defined in the C++ interface. For now, you can simply let them return an error value (-1 or -2).

The object oriented interface similarly contains definitions for methods, properties, particle sets, parameters, and states (the latter we will discuss later). Its definition is simply:

class SimpleGrav(GravitationalDynamics):

    def __init__(self, convert_nbody = None, **keyword_arguments):


Note the convert_nbody keyword that appears in the initializer. This is used to handle the conversion of units between the legacy code and the object-oriented interface. The gravitational dynamics interface template assumes that the legacy codes work in dimensionless N-body units, but by passing a convert_nbody instance the unit conversions can be handled automatically.

The only part left to write for a functional version is the C++ interface. As mentioned before, this must contain the corresponding functions of all legacy functions. Also note that GravitationalDynamicsInterface inherits from yet another interface, CommonCodeInterface, which contains four more legacy functions to be defined. These are very general functions, mostly concerned with code logistics. Their implementation, and whether they are even necessary, depends on the legacy code. If they are not needed they can simply return 0 (in the case of our legacy code, only cleanup_code has actual functionality). They are often called automatically, when needed, through the state model (discussed below). The four functions from CommonCode, plus three similar functions from GravitationalDynamics, are described in the table below:




any code that must be executed when the code is initialized, but before parameters are set, particles are added, a grid is initialized, etc.


any code that must be executed when the code is stopped. This typically frees up memory allocated by the code.


any initialization that must be done that is dependent on parameters, for example the allocation of memory for a grid.


similar to commit_parameters, but after commit_parameters has been called once. This could be a redefinition of a grid.


any initialization that must be done that is dependent on particles, for example the construction of a tree of some kind from a set of particles.


similar to commit_particles, but after commit_particles has been called once. This could the addition or removal of particles from a tree.


evolve all particles to the same time, if they are at different times.

The following code contains definitions for all legacy functions, although some non-essential functions only return error values:

#include <vector>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

class Particle {

    int index;
    double x, y, z;
    double vx, vy, vz;
    double mass, radius;

    Particle (int index, double mass, 
        double x, double y, double z, 
        double vx, double vy, double vz, 
        double radius):
        index(index), mass(mass), 
        x(x), y(y), z(z), 
        vx(vx), vy(vy), vz(vz), 
        radius(radius) {
    Particle (const Particle& original):index(original.index), 
        mass(original.mass), x(original.x), y(original.y), z(original.z),
        vx(original.vx), vy(original.vy), vz(original.vz), 
    radius(original.radius) {

int highest_index = 0;
vector<Particle*> Particles;

double time = 0.;
double dt = 0.01;
double t0 = 0.;

double eps_sq = 0.;

int new_particle (int *index_of_the_particle, double mass, double x, double y, double z, double vx, double vy, double vz, double radius) {

    *index_of_the_particle = highest_index;

    Particle *p = new Particle(highest_index, mass, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius);


    return 0;

int delete_particle (int index_of_the_particle) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    Particles.erase(Particles.begin() + index_of_the_particle);
    return 0;

int get_number_of_particles (int *value) {

    *value = Particles.size();
    return 0;

int cleanup_code () {

    for (int i = 0; i < Particles.size(); i++) {
        delete Particles[i];


    return 0;

int get_index_of_first_particle (int *index) {

    if (Particles.size() > 0) {
        *index = (Particles[0])->index; 
        return 0;
    return 1;

int get_index_of_next_particle (int index, int *next_index) {

    int N = Particles.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        if ((Particles[i])->index == index) {
            if (i == N-1) { 
                return 1;
            else { 
                *next_index = (Particles[i+1])->index; 
                return 0;

    return -1;

int evolve_model (double tend) {

    int N = Particles.size();
    int error;

    double *mass = new double[N];

    double *x = new double[N];
    double *y = new double[N];
    double *z = new double[N];

    double *vx = new double[N];
    double *vy = new double[N];
    double *vz = new double[N];

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        mass[i] = (Particles[i])->mass;

        x[i] = (Particles[i])->x;
        y[i] = (Particles[i])->y;
        z[i] = (Particles[i])->z;

        vx[i] = (Particles[i])->vx;
        vy[i] = (Particles[i])->vy;
        vz[i] = (Particles[i])->vz;

    while (time + t0 < tend) {
        time += dt;
        gravity_step(mass, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, N, dt, eps_sq, 1.);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        (Particles[i])->x = x[i];
        (Particles[i])->y = y[i];
        (Particles[i])->z = z[i];

        (Particles[i])->vx = vx[i];
        (Particles[i])->vy = vy[i];
        (Particles[i])->vz = vz[i];

    delete [] mass;
    delete [] x;
    delete [] y;
    delete [] z;
    delete [] vx;
    delete [] vy;
    delete [] vz;

    return 0;

int get_time (double *current_time) { *current_time = time + t0; return 0; }

int get_mass (int index_of_the_particle, double *mass) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    *mass = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->mass;
    return 0;

int set_mass (int index_of_the_particle, double  mass) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->mass = mass;
    return 0;

int get_radius (int index_of_the_particle, double *radius) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    *radius = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->radius;
    return 0;

int set_radius (int index_of_the_particle, double  radius) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->radius = radius;
    return 0;

int get_position (int index_of_the_particle, double *x, double *y, double *z) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    *x = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->x;
    *y = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->y;
    *z = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->z;
    return 0;

int set_position (int index_of_the_particle, double  x, double  y, double  z) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->x = x;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->y = y;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->z = z;
    return 0;

int get_velocity (int index_of_the_particle, double *vx, double *vy, double *vz) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    *vx = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vx;
    *vy = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vy;
    *vz = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vz;
    return 0;

int set_velocity (int index_of_the_particle, double  vx, double  vy, double  vz) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vx = vx;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vy = vy;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vz = vz;
    return 0;

int get_state (int index_of_the_particle, double *mass, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *vx, double *vy, double *vz, double *radius) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    *mass = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->mass;
    *x = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->x;
    *y = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->y;
    *z = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->z;
    *vx = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vx;
    *vy = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vy;
    *vz = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vz;
    *radius = (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->radius;
    return 0;

int set_state (int index_of_the_particle, double  mass, double  x, double  y, double  z, double  vx, double  vy, double  vz, double  radius) {

    if (index_of_the_particle > highest_index) { return -1; }
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->mass = mass;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->x = x;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->y = y;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->z = z;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vx = vx;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vy = vy;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->vz = vz;
    (Particles[index_of_the_particle])->radius = radius;
    return 0;

int get_eps2 (double *eps2) { *eps2 = eps_sq; return 0; }

int set_eps2 (double  eps2) {  eps_sq = eps2; return 0; }

int get_time_step (double *timestep) { *timestep = dt; return 0; }

int get_begin_time (double *begin_time) { *begin_time = t0; return 0; }

int set_begin_time (double  begin_time) {  t0 = begin_time; return 0; }

int commit_parameters () { return 0; }

int recommit_parameters () { return 0; }

int commit_particles () { return 0; }

int recommit_particles () { return 0; }

int synchronize_model () { return 0; }

int initialize_code () { return 0; }

int get_total_mass (double *total_mass) { return -2; }

int get_center_of_mass_position (double *com_x, double *com_y, double *com_z) { return -2; }

int get_center_of_mass_velocity (double *com_vx, double *com_vy, double *com_vz) { return -2; }

int get_total_radius (double *radius) { return -2; }

int get_acceleration (int index_of_the_particle, double *ax, double *ay, double *az) { return -2; }

int get_potential (int index_of_the_particle, double *potential) { return -2; }

int get_kinetic_energy (double *kinetic_energy) { return -1; }

int get_potential_energy (double *potential_energy) { return -1; }

Properties & Parameters

A property of an AMUSE code is a read-only quantity of the code that contains information about the (often physical) state of the code. Examples include the current model time and the potential and kinetic energies of the total system.

A parameter of an AMUSE code is a quantity that is used in the internal workings of the code. Examples include the time step in most types of evolution codes and the metallicity in stellar evolution codes. These are often, but not always, writable.

Both are defined in the object-oriented interface, in the define_properties and define_parameters functions.

Properties are added as follows:

def define_properties(self, handler):
    handler.add_property("get_property", public_name="property_name")

Here, get_property is a legacy interface function that returns a single value. public_name is an optional argument that defines what the property is called; if it is not given, the name of the parameter of the legacy function is used.

Properties are accessed directly as properties of the code object:

gravity = SimpleGrav()
the_current_time = gravity.model_time

Parameters are added as follows:

def define_parameters(self, handler):
         "what is this parameter?",
         default_value = 1. | some_unit,
         is_vector = BOOL,
         must_set_before_get = BOOL,

Here, get_parameter and set_parameter are two legacy interface functions that respectively have one output and one input. parameter is the name of the parameter in the code. The fourth parameter is a documentation string describing what the parameter signifies. Finally, there are three optional parameters. default_value is the value the parameter is set to by default. If is_vector == True, the parameter is a vector of a fixed length. This length is defined as the number of parameters of the getters and setters (scalar parameters have only one parameter). If must_set_before_get == True, the parameter must be set before it can be returned. In most cases, this can be False.

Note that there are methods to define other types of parameters:




the parameter is a boolean, instead of an integer/float.


the parameter is only set once commit_parameters is called.


the parameter is an array; in contrast with a normal parameter with is_vector=True, the getters and setters have only a single argument, which must be able to handle arrays. Between the setter and the name, an additional function must be passed that specifies the size of the array.

add_alias_parameter is also available to add an alias to an existing parameter. It is of the following form: add_alias_parameter("alias_parameter", "original_parameter", "parameter documentation").

Parameters are accessed through the parameters property of the code object:

gravity = SimpleGrav()
param = gravity.parameters.parameter


With properties, particles, and parameters, we have three ways of communicating data between the legacy code and AMUSE. With complex codes that are not necessarily similar to other codes in AMUSE, it might be nontrivial in which of these manners data is to be communicated. As a rule of thumb, any quantity relating to individual particles should be communicated as particle properties, even if it is conceptually closer to a parameter. To demonstrate the thin line between these, if a stellar evolution code has a single metallicity for all stars, it will be parameter, whereas if different stars can have different metallicities, it will be a particle property.

Parameters and properties, on the other hand, both apply to the system as a whole. Of these, parameters should not be altered by the legacy code itself, whereas properties are read-only.

In our SimpleGrav example we have introduced a number of parameters that the template interface does not have. For one, we want the time step to be a settable parameter (note that the definition in has None as a setter function). Additionally, we want to be able to set a smoothing length, and for didactic reasons we include an entirely new parameter, gravity_strength, which functions as a scaling of the magnitude of the gravitational force.

We have to define new legacy functions to set the time step and get and set the gravity strength (the others are defined in The legacy interface then looks as follows:

class SimpleGravInterface(CodeInterface,

    include_headers = ['worker_code.h']

    def __init__ (self, **keyword_arguments):

    def get_grav_fac ():
        function = LegacyFunctionSpecification()
        function.addParameter('grav_fac', dtype='float64', direction=function.OUT)
        function.result_type = 'int32'
        return function

    def set_grav_fac ():
        function = LegacyFunctionSpecification()
        function.addParameter('grav_fac', dtype='float64', direction=function.IN)
        function.result_type = 'int32'
        return function

    def set_time_step ():
        function = LegacyFunctionSpecification()
        function.addParameter('time_step', dtype='float64', direction=function.IN)
        function.result_type = 'int32'
        return function

In the object-oriented interface, we have to overload the define_methods and the define_parameters functions:

def define_methods (self, handler):

    GravitationalDynamics.define_methods(self, handler)

        (handler.NO_UNIT, handler.ERROR_CODE)



        (nbody_system.length * nbody_system.length, handler.ERROR_CODE)

        (nbody_system.length * nbody_system.length),

def define_parameters (self, handler):

    GravitationalDynamics.define_parameters(self, handler)

        "constant factor by which G is multiplied",
        default_value = 1.

        "constant integrator timestep",
        default_value = 0.01 | nbody_system.time

        "smoothing parameter for gravity calculations",
        default_value = 0.0 | nbody_system.length * nbody_system.length

We also call the equivalent functions of so we still inherit from the template interface.

State Model

Many legacy codes have pieces of logistical code that must be executed between physically relevant pieces of code. For example, in a gravitational tree code, the tree must be constructed after all particles have been added, but before the system is evolved, and not necessarily between evolve calls. In order to automate this, a state model can be defined for the code. This defines what functions can be run in what state of the code, but also how to transition between states, and what functions trigger that transition. A particularly convenient function is that it allows a transition, and thus the function associated with that, to be triggered automatically. This allows the aforementioned tree code to automatically build its tree between the definition of the particle set and the evolution of the system.

The state of the code can be handled automatically by defining a state model that describes the states the code can be in as a graph with the nodes as the state and transitions mediated by interface calls. The state model of a code is defined in the define_state interface function by calling the following methods on its handler argument:

  • set_initial_state(state) this defines the initial entry state, given as a string label (usually ‘UNINITIALIZED’).

  • add_method(state, method_name) this defines that the given method is allowed in state state. Again the state is a string, the string can be prepended with ‘!’ to indicate a method is forbidden in the state. If state is not yet defined it will be added to the state model.

  • add_transition(state1, state2, method_name, is_auto=True) this adds a transition between states state1 and state2 (and adds these states if not previously defined) which is triggered by a call to the interface function method_name. The is_auto argument determines whether this transition is allowed to be triggered automatically.

A method that is not mentioned in any add_method, is allowed in any state (and doesn’t trigger any transitions). If the state model detects that an interface call needs a state change it tries to hop to a state where the interface call is allowed by calling transitions that are added with is_auto=True. (this is only possible if they don’t have non-default arguments)

The state model can be built up by the above methods. The state model of a code can be printed:

  • interface.state_machine.to_table_string() or

  • interface.state_machine.to_plantuml_string().

Note that function arguments in the above methods are strings! They are evaluated later to methods of the low level code interface class! (so they must be defined there, they need not be remote function but can be ordinary class methods)

Note that it can be convenient to use a number of sentinel methods which do not (by default) do anything, these are:

  • before_get_parameter, before_set_parameter, before_set_interface_parameter,

  • before_new_set_instance, before_get_data_store_names.

(e.g. before_get_parameter is called before each parameter is retrieved.)

State models have been defined for our code’s parent class, GravitationalDynamics, and its grandparent class, CommonCode, and our code is simple enough that we do not need to expand this. Thus we do not need to define it.

To complete this example we will take a look at the state model of GravitationalDynamics:

def define_state(self, handler):
    common.CommonCode.define_state(self, handler)
    handler.add_transition('END', 'INITIALIZED', 'initialize_code', False)


    handler.add_method('EDIT', 'new_particle')
    handler.add_method('EDIT', 'delete_particle')
    handler.add_method('UPDATE', 'new_particle')
    handler.add_method('UPDATE', 'delete_particle')
    handler.add_transition('EDIT', 'RUN', 'commit_particles')
    handler.add_transition('RUN', 'UPDATE', 'new_particle', False)
    handler.add_transition('RUN', 'UPDATE', 'delete_particle', False)
    handler.add_transition('UPDATE', 'RUN', 'recommit_particles')
    handler.add_transition('RUN', 'EVOLVED', 'evolve_model', False)
    handler.add_method('EVOLVED', 'evolve_model')
    handler.add_transition('EVOLVED','RUN', 'synchronize_model')

Note that the entry state is defined in CommonCode, and we have shortened it for readability.

Let’s focus on what happens when we add a particle after evolving for some time. We can see that evolve_model is only allowed in the EVOLVED state, which means that that is the state after evolving. new_particle, then, is allowed in the EDIT and UPDATE states, but also when transitioning from RUN to UPDATE. From EVOLVED to RUN, we can transition automatically with synchronize_model. Thus, after evolving, if we add a particle, the function synchronize_model is automatically called, and we end up in the UPDATE state. If we call evolve_model again, we first go from UPDATE to RUN with an automatic call of recommit_particles, and from there evolve_model leads us from RUN back to EVOLVED.

Literature References

When adding your code to AMUSE you of course want your work to be recognized. AMUSE actively provides the references of every code used in an AMUSE script, at the end of every run of the script. The references are defined in the Python interface, as in the following code snippet:

class SimpleGravInterface(CodeInterface,
    SimpleGrav is a forward Euler code to dynamically evolve a Newtonian
    gravity N-body system.

    .. [#] Alvarez, Etienne; Monthly Notices of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Review Letters Z, Vol. 42 (2020)
    .. [#] Adams, Douglas; Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
    include_headers = ['worker_code.h']

    def __init__ (self, **keyword_arguments):

Upon finishing a script using SimpleGrav we will get the following warning:

Note how the .. [#] denotes each entry for the literature list.