============================================= Running AMUSE through slurm ============================================= Many supercomputers use slurm (see https://slurm.schedmd.com/documentation.html) as a job-submission environment. The Cartesius supercomputer, for example, uses slurm, but also the Leiden university supercomputer ALICE https://wiki.alice.universiteitleiden.nl/index.php?title=ALICE_User_Documentation_Wiki&_ga=2.254956621.431957536.1583247665-1261213469.1568893554 The parallel AMUSE script ------------------------- Slurm operates via batch scripts which have to be written and subsequently submitted via slurm to the job scheduler. We use a simple amuse example code as an example. .. code-block:: sh > cd ${AMUSE_DIR}/examples/tutorial/parallel_amuse_script.py The slurm batch script ---------------------- The slurm script to run this code with 6 processors can be callded run_example.sh .. code-block:: sh #!/bin/bash sbatch < sbatch run_example.sh The output can subsequently be downloaded via scp .. code-block:: sh > scp user@remote_computer_address:file .