Interactive tutorial ==================== This is the static description of the interactive tutorial for AMUSE. The interactive tutorial is always delivered with the binary distribution and you can start it in that distribution with: .. code-block:: sh ./amuse-tutorial For the source distribution you can also run the interactive tutorial but you will need to install IPython notebook first (`ipythonnb`_). Once you have installed ipython you can run the notebook with: .. code-block:: sh export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/src:$PYTHONPATH cd doc/interactive_tutorial/ ipython notebook --pylab inline .. note:: You will need to run the ipython command from the interactive tutorial directory. You also need to have amuse in your python path. .. note:: The ipython notebook code depends on the `tornado` and the `pyzmq` modules. You will need to install these before installing the ipython notebook. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 01-Loading_AMUSE 02-Quantities_with_units 03-Generic_units 04-Collections_of_Particles 05-Attributes_and_functions_on_particle_collections 06-Using_a_community_code 07-Channels 08-Grids .. _ipythonnb: